Friday, October 28, 2011

Travelbugs on hiatus but still traveling!

Sadly back in March and April when we were having an inccredible time traveling to Hong Kong, Australia, Fiji and LA, I came to the realization while we were so busy going from place to place, that my back injury was somehow improving?After much thought we figured out that the busier I was, the better I was! Although this is ideal for a frequent traveler and mom of a busy 3 year old, it is not ideal for a blogger, as when I sit at a computer I actually was causing myself greater pain, thus I had to put a quick stop to blogging all together.

I was sad to have to quit blogging cold turkey, but it was what was best for my health. Sorry to have left you so abruptly, but I had to do what I had to do! I have missed the online portion of my life (I also had to quit online groups and cutback on facebook and email time) but do not fret, the travelbugs are alive and traveling just as always! Actually, I am writing this post all the way from Kenya, Africa! Over the past 6 months, we have escaped almost weekly to our wee vacation spot on Rice Lake in Ontario and spent a wonderful week in the Dominican Republic when Sam's brother was married and he was the best man and Olivia a flower girl!

As mentioned above, Sam and I are currently in Africa! this trip would have been too difficult for the little one as many vaccinations are required, and Sam and I both felt that the realities of the children we visit while we are here doing our charity work would be far too difficult for a child now at the age of 4 to understand.

We are here again (as we traveled here in 2009) representing The Water School project that Sam has supported for quite a long time now. The 1st leg of our trip was working in hospitals and schools with children in Uganda, and now here we are in Kenya . We are only here for a few more days before heading to the Masai Mara for a wee safari before heading home to our precious girl.

Well, I have figured out that on my new cell phone Im able to be in any position to post thus perhaps I will be able to continue blogging! Fingers crossed, in the meantime to track us on this trip in hopes to provide clean disease-free water to the children of Africa, check out and go the the blog portion of the site.

Take care ans God bless!