So everything worked out fine with flights, I guess the email went to junk folder so they resent - simple! PHEW!! Olivia is nestled, all snug in her bed while visions of Disney princesses dance in her head! It could also be the Disney movie before bed, the Disney PJ's and blanket, and her Disney MP3 playing as she fell asleep. I gotta hand it to Disney, they sure got it right when it came to marketing!
We are all prepared for the 4 am wake-up call. That will allow us 1 hour get ready/travel time & 2.5 hours of in-airport time before the flight at 7:30 am. We always make sure we have at least that much time, you just never know what kind of crowds and line ups you may run in to, especially with such heavy security into the US. All the clothes to wear are laid out, the car seat, stroller and the suitcases are standing at the front door.
The following documents I have printed and kept in my carry-on:
Disney Cruise package information
Travel Insurance documents
Flight info. and tickets
Contact info of travel agency
We went with as our travel agent for this trip. They typically have very similar pricing to any agency for a Disney cruise (not much flexibility on price during high season/holidays) BUT you get on-board cash vouchers for booking through them!! So when we board we already have a $300 voucher for any on-board purchases! We insured the trip through (best pricing) as well we have coverage a million different ways with our jobs, banks etc. so we are COVERED! That is one corner you never cut, we have used our travel insurance for claims many times!
Now every outlet in the room is full - powering up cell phones, cameras, DVD player, iPad etc. for the trip! That's Sam's big responsilibity - the electronics, I take care of the rest - funny how that works?
I made the necessary trip to the pharmacy and purchased every possible nausea/seasick medication and trick, including the pressure wrist bands and behind the ear tablets. Since it's our 1st cruise we gotta take all precautions just in case! I'm sure we will be fine on such a huge ship, but I was a Girl Guide so I learned to BE PREPARED! Hehe.
Well, we're off to sleep now, keep you posted throughout the trip with any fun, interesting or exciting updates! Does anyone know if there is cell phone service/internet on the ship? Hmmm...something to google I suppose ;) I'm pretty sure they've thought of everything on this boat.
Yuck! Packing is never the fun part, but going away - can't beat that!!! How is the trip??? Keep blogging!