Today is the start of packing day. I always give at least 3-4 days of packing and preparations for a 1 week trip, in case there are things we will need to get before we leave. We each take a large suitcase now if it's a week long vacation or more. It's what we are allowed since Olivia has been in her own plane seat after she turned 2. As long as you have plans to get/use help with luggage (and get a cart) and it's paid for with your plane ticket, we figure if you're checking 1 bag you might as well check 3! This way saves us from trying to take 2, jamming them full, then after we've made a few purchases on the trip, trying to add those into the bag as well, and we end up paying extra for the over-weight bag! It also allows us to bring the extras like floatie toys, small dolls & books etc. (so we don't have to buy them there) AND we get to shop for local fun items - a favourite thing to do in the islands.
Sam & I each take a carry on for a week long trip, plus the stroller. Olivia often wants to bring a back pack but we have learned that at 3 years old, she won't want to carry it for long (or will be buckled into the stroller and can't carry it) so we leave it at home, packing her things in our bags. Here is our list for Olivia of carry-on essential items for a family trip south:
For Olivia:
- 1 sundress
- 1 nightgown
- 1 bathing suit
- 1 small blanket
- 1 3-oz bottle of sunblock
- Her small bag of medicines i.e. gravol, tylenol, benedryl, band-aids, etc. * Not liquid medicine if possible so no fuss with liquid volume issue, if no option then only small amount + ziplocks)
- A few snacks i.e. goldfish, frootogo bars, granola bars, cheese strings (preferrably no sugar to get her hyper)
- 2 pulll-ups (just in case we get stuck on a runway and can't use toliet)
- DVD player + DVD's & headphones (we prefer the old school on head style, she struggles with the ear bud types as they don't fit her small ears)
- Small toys & books *** The KEY to packing toys for a trip is NOVELTY! *** Toys she has either not seen in ages or new purchases (we sometimes stash away small gifts and save for travel times) & a trip to Dollarama is often required. I will blog all about those toys and things at a later time, as I have learned lots over the past years what may work and what may not work, ones that hold longest attention span etc.
The 1st 3 items on the list are in case our bags get lost or we arrive before check-in and want to go enjoy the sun and fun!
We buy her a squirty water bottle after we're through security, because after they turn 2 all drinks, cups, bottles with fluid will be confiscated, just like adults. Under 2 years, you are allowed more than 3 ozs of water to use to mix with formula, or milk/formula itself, jarred foods, liquid teething rings etc. These must be declared at security for inspection but are allowed.
Although the list seems long, they take up less than half of the space in a regulation size carry-on, other than the DVD player but that is WORTH IT! We could not survive all these travels without it! New DVD's that are $5 at Walmart or borrowing from a friend are always a big hit too, as they are novel & exciting.
SO, here sit the suitcases today that will slowly be filled over the next 3 days! Keep you posted!! Are my blog posts too long? I think so, I'll try to shorten them in the future - LOL. I just have so much to say!!
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