So it's the infamous "day after the trip" where things get tricky. Olivia had to go back to school for the 1st time since before Christmas holidays, and for our spirited little sweetie, this was no simple feat. We had to start a countdown 2 nights BEFORE we left the ship, to prepare her for our return home, as she really struggles with big transitions. She needs to know what to anticipate before it happens, so we told her she would be returning to school the day after we arrive home, which was very hard for her. She had many tears about going back to school. We made a "deal" (which we have been doing often these days) that if she doesn't kick up too much of a fuss, I will pick her up after lunch instead of her usual 4 pm pick-up time. This allows her to slowly get back into the routine without being overwhelmed. She is also new to JK, so that means new friends, new teachers, new routines and new expectations. This "deal" worked out very well so far today.
For Sammy it's back to work at the office and for me, back to all the chores that need to be done! Laundry up to the ceiling, unpacking, groceries, cleaning and tidy up, etc. We have a "detox" period when we get home from trips which includes no more junk food (healthy home cooked meals), our usual sleep schedule, sticking close to home & getting us back "on track".
I'm excited about making a scrapbook of this trip! I collected all the "memories" from our holiday and have a shiny new scrapbook to start on, once all the clean up is done. Plus a new Disney cartridge for my Cricut machine - so exciting!
Alrighty, off I go to get'er done! Wish me luck, I have to keep my body from creeping back into bed to relieve my Facebook adiction & catch up on the PVR! Sad how much we miss technology!
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