Who knew one could love an umbrella stroller so much?? We have this Rock Star Baby stroller that is now 2 years old, covered in airline tags & stickers, has a wonky wheel and is filthy, but we couldn't travel without it! This stroller has seen the heart of the jungle, the Eiffel tour and many stops in between. Because it's an umbrella stroller, we can check it plane side, and is less than 7 lbs to haul here, there and literally everywhere! Why do we love this stroller you ask? Well, at the time is was purchased it was the only umbrella stroller on the market that could lie absolutely flat, so it is perfect for sleeping. The back lies all the way down and there is a little leg lift thingy so more of her body fits in the stroller. The awning closes over her and has a back flat so she's well hidden under there ;) Did I mention it doesn't tip and fall down when she stands up if there are bags hanging on the handle bars? Somehow our magic stroller is tip-resistant, so it can handle and hold quite a bit of weight on the handles without tipping! Perfect for those carry-on bags!
Now she is 3 1/2 and we are STILL using this stroller for all our trips and travels. Recently on our Disney Cruise she slept several evenings/nights in her stroller until the grown-ups were ready for bed. We walk the halls with her until she falls asleep, then lie her flat, throw on a blanket and she doesn't move an inch. On New Years Eve, Olivia tried hard to stay awake but just couldn't, so we checked her into kids club on the ship sleeping in her stroller so we could go ring in 2011! It worked out perfectly for everyone.
We now have 1 GIANT worry...what do we do when she no longer fits???? She is very tall for her age and now her legs dangle out over the edge when she's in there. We use it often even at home, when Sam & I want to go for a nice dinner together. We drive until she falls asleep, then pop her in and off to the restaurant we go! People come up to us often and say, "awwweee, a sweet little baby, how old is she?" We giggle and reply, "she's 3 1/2 years old and not even close to a baby anymore!"
I have no idea how one would take on international airports without a stroller!! All those line-ups, and distant walks - my eyes tear up with the mere thought of her on FOOT! How would we be able to go out at night when traveling? Does anyone out there have a solution to this huge dilemma just waiting around the corner for us? Travel life as we know it will be over, AHHHhh!!! I'm thinking in 1 year she won't FIT!
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